Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Queen , Marilyn, Ios, Moraine Lake and a Peashooter Plane.

 BLOG # 1541  --  Day 601 of the Pandemic

Happy Hallowe'en ! and Boo to you all. It may be Hallowe'en but I have nothing scary for you today. No ghosts, no goblins, not even any candy. But I do have a few cards  but none with any Hallowe'en theme. So be it !

This first card has a compilation of eight pics of Queen Elizabeth . They were the subject of a set of stamps issued by Great Britain on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth's 80th Birthday in 2006. 

 Maxine used a stamp from this year. It is 1 of 8 in a set highlighting The Wars of the Roses. The Battle of Towton of 1461 is shown on my stamp.

Marilyn Monroe is the focus of this next card. It's a Milton H. Greene photo taken in New York City in 1956. There are just so many photos of Marilyn , I guess we'll never see them all. 
Now to be honest - before I turned to the reverse of this card I did not recognize it as a photo of Marilyn Monroe. It just doesn't look like her to me. But what do I know ? I'm sure the true aficionados of Miss Monroe out there will have no trouble recognizing her. 

 Andrea from L.A. used one of the 2018 round Global Forever Flower stamps on her card.

Next up is a map card of the island of IOS, Greece, or as the card implies the Best Island. I'm sure there are pros and cons to that thought. Ios is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea. It is quite hilly with cliffs down to the sea on most sides. The island has a small population of just over 2,000. 

David used 2 stamps from this year. The left stamp is 1 of 4 marking the 200th Anniversary of the Greek Revolution. The right stamp, 1 of 4 in a set, was issued to show National Action for Gender Equality. 


My next 2 cards were sent to me by My Lovely Teena to commemorate World Postcard Day, back on Oct 1st.  This first one is a view of gorgeous Moraine Lake , a glacier-fed lake situated in the beautiful Valley Of The Ten Peaks in Banff National Park, in Alberta, Canada. It is my most favourite place in Canada. I need say no more. 

Teena used a Karen Kain stamp from this year. She was and is Canada's premier ballerina. 


Teena's second card is just a fun aviation themed card. It shows art by Ben Sakoguchi . It's from a 1975 collection called Orange-Crate  Art : A Postcard Book. 

On this card, Teena used a Canada Post Community Foundation stamp which was issued on September 20th. The design is an illustration by Kim Smith that literally glows creativity. The luminous fireflies are a reminder of the light that shines within each of us. This is the 10th annual fundraising stamp and from its sale, money is donated to the Canada Post Community Foundation. More that $11 million has been raised by those stamps over the 10 years. 

With those cards , there ends another update. Thanks for the cards go out to Maxine, Andrea, David and to My Lovely Teena. 
Thank you to all. 
The pandemic has been among us now for over 600 days. Who would have thought that back 500 days ago. What more can I say about it. ? Here's the most important thing - vaccine. If you haven't got yours yet   -- why the hell not ? Do it - we'll all be the better for it. Till next time ......... Happy Hallowe'en to all.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Thai and Dwejra

BLOG # 1540  --  Day 596 of the Pandemic

Howdy once again, now it's four for four  - how long can I keep this going is the question of the day. 

The first card today arrived from Malta. Charmaine's card shows a gentleman collecting salt at the Dwejra Salt Pans. In the background is the Azure Window, a natural rock arch which collapsed in stormy weather on 8th March 2017. 


Charmaine used a Dog stamp from a 2020 sheet of 16 different stamps.

This next card arrived from Singapore but it has a Thai Airways subject. Thai Airway - Smooth as Silk. A great motto - they pride themselves on providing the sincerest and most attentive service. 

Colin used 2 stamps on this one. On the left is a 2021 stamp issued for the 2020 Summer Olympics. And we all know that the 2020 Games were held in Tokyo this year, 2021. The 2nd stamp is 1 of 5 issued in 2017 for the 150th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp issued in Singapore. One I wouldn't mind having in my collection. It is valued at around $200.00 US in used condition and about $100.00 US in mint condition. The first Singapore stamp was actually a Straits Settlements 1867 Crown Overprint on an India Queen Victoria stamp. Might be too much information for some, but the stamp collector just came out in me. 


I want to thank Colin and Charmaine for their cards today. This update is a little shorter than my usual but that happens sometimes. I'll shoot for a longer one next time. 

Take care. Remember the pandemic is still among us so do your part.  

Monday, October 25, 2021

Artifacts, Road Racing Champion, and a Guernsey ATM

 BLOG # 1539  --  Day 595 of the Pandemic

Hello , here I am again, three days in a row, must be a record !

Today I am starting with a card from Belgium. It shows some of the artifacts to be found in the archaeological collection in the Abbey Museum Ten Duinen. 

Johan used a lovely Rooster stamp on this card. It is 1 of 5 in a minisheet entitled Nature in the Belgian Tricolor. Nice First Day of Issue here too. 

My next card is also from Belgium and also sent by Johan. It shows a picture of a few of the 38 participants in the 1935 UCI Road World Championships that took place in Floreffe, Belgium. Of course the winner was Belgian Jean Aerts. He finished the 216 kilometers in 6 hours 5 seconds and 19 seconds. Aerts is shown on the left in the photo. 

 Johan used a tee-shirt shaped stamp this time. It commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the World Cycling Championships. It's another First Day of Issue cancellation with a very unique design.

Guernsey is the origin of this next card. It's a look at Hauteville House or Victor Hugo House. This is where Hugo lived during his exile from France for opposing Napolean III. He spent 15 years living as an islander in St. Peter Port. For Victor Hugo, Guernsey was a rock of hospitality and freedom. Hauteville House was built around 1800 and Hugo lived in it from 1856 to 1870. 

  Jean Pierre used a Guernsey Flag, Post and Go stamp for UK Large , up to 100g. 

 You know , I never really know what to call those stamps. Some call them Computer Vended Postage, ATM Stamps, Frama Labels, Autopost Stamps or Automatenmarken. What do you call them ?

 That's the end for today. Thanks to Johan and Jean Pierre for today's cards. 

Well covid case counts are dropping in Alberta and in Canada, but I can't say the end is in sight. We just have to press on and see it through to the end, whenever that might be. Take care  and stay safe.  

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Kotor, Chemainus again, Veurne and a Ukrainian National Dress

 BLOG # 1538  --  DAY 594 of the Pandemic

Here we go again. I have a few more cards to have a look at. Today I am starting with a card from Ukraine. This one shows a young girl wearing a national costume of Pokuttia, an area in the southwestern part of modern Ukraine. 

Ann used a Coat of Arms definitive along with a round stamp from 2021. It was issued for the 2021 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. 

My second card for today arrived from Kotor, Montenegro. It's a bird's eye view of the city and area along with a a distanced look at Tivat Airport in the top left .  Close to 30 airlines operate out of Tivat Airlines, most of them on a seasonal basis. 

Jean Pierre used a couple of stamps on this one. The stamp on the left was issued in 2020 to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations. The right stamp, also from 2020 commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of painter Aco Prijic. 


Now here's another card from Chemainus, and it was sent by My Lovely Teena. Chemainus - the little town that did , is alive with murals. They are all over town. This card shows a mural of the arrival of H.M.S. Reindeer in Horseshoe Bay, now called Chemainus Bay. 


My Lovely Teena used the 2020 Diwali stamp and got a nice Chemainus cancellation. 

Next up is this card showing the central market square and town hall of Veurne, a city in northwestern Belgium, near the French border. 

Johan sent this card along. He has a great postcard blog, you'll enjoy checking it out. Here's how  , click on this . Big stamp on this one . It is 1 of 5 in a minisheet showing Architecture of Public Swimming Pools. 

So ends another blog. Thanks for today's cards go out to  Ann, My Lovely Teena, Jean Pierre and Johan. 

The pandemic is still around big time. Take all the care and caution you can and remember vaccines work and so do masks. 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Library, Wings 2, and a Moorish Castle

BLOG # 1537 -- Day 593 of the Pandemic 

Well , it's been a while. I guess some might have wondered if I was gone for good. But I'm back and all is good. Postcards - let me get right to it.

I'm starting with a multi-themed card  - aircraft themed and a pin-up to boot.  This is a card from Duncan who lives in the Portland, Oregon area. The card shows a pin-up by RomainHugault and Laurent Negroni. Their art is always dapper, sometimes naughty , but never vulgar. Painted on a fuselage, these pictures gave the pilot a little courage when immersed in a mission. 


Duncan used 2 stamps from a new set of 10, showing various images of the Sun as captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. It's a really nice set of stamps and these two are my first from it. I look forward to receiving the others over time. The stamps are Forever stamps so should be around for a while.


My second card today is from Gibraltar. It shows a view of Gibraltar's Moorish castle. This iconic medieval fortification was built around the year 711. Its features include the Tower of Homage, the Gate house and until 2010, the Prison of Gibraltar.  

Jean Pierre used a 2017 stamp showing the same castle. It is from a set of 7 Castles and Caves Tourism Stamps.

The Marucelliana Library is the subject of this next card. It was founded in the mid 18th century in Florence , Italy. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote about a library " The student has his Rome, his Florence, his whole glowing Italy within the four walls of his library. He has in his books the ruins of an antique world and the glories of a modern one. "

The picture on this card brings back memories of spending time in the library during my time at university, many years ago. 

Barbie who hails from the Richmond, Virginia area uses a number of stamps on this one. On the left, from 2003, a stamp celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of author Zora Neale Hurston. The middle stamp is 1 of 4 issued in 2021 showcasing Western Wear. The right stamp, also from this current year, is a Black Heritage Forever stamp showing Playwright August Wilson. 

I think that will do it for this time. Thanks for the cards go out to Jean Pierre, Duncan and Barbie. Take care and stay safe. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

Thanksgiving Day, Metz, Montenegro Airlines and More

 BLOG # 1536     -  Day 581 of the Pandemic

Hey , today is Thanksgiving Day here in Canada - not a good day to be a turkey for sure. What do I have to be thankful for - my family and I are healthy, none of us have caught Covid, we all have a house over our heads, we all have enough to eat, we all live in a great country where we have many freedoms that others in many countries do not and of course I am always thankful for the Love of My Lovely Teena. So Happy Thanksgiving Day, Canada.

So now on to postcards. Today I will highlight cards from Russia, New Zealand, France, Montenegro, the U.S.A and Gibraltar. This first card is a look at a 1962 painting showing Cheboksary, the capital of the Russian republic of Chuvashia. 

Anna sent this card and used 2 of the often seen Russian definitives, one from 2019 and one from 2020. 

Card # 2 for today arrived from Whanganui, a city in New Zealand on the west coast of the North Island at the mouth of the Whanganui River, about 200 kilometres north of Wellington. 

The two stamps on this card date from 2011 and 2017. The left stamp is a Fauna stamp issued for Child Health and is from a minisheet of 3. The right stamp showing a South Island Saddleback is 1 of 5 in a Recovering Native Birds minisheet.

My next card shows the Temple Neuf, a Protestant church in Metz, France. It is located on place de la Comedie, near the opera and theatre. It opened in 1904. 

Dominique used a 2021 stamp showcasing Saint Louis Royal Chapel.

Card # 4 - The newest addition to my Airlines and Aircraft Postcard Collection. This time it is a Montenegro Airlines Boeing 737-500. Registered as 9H-OME it flew for Montenegro  from April 2018 to November of the same year. The picture on the card was taken in Dusseldorf, Germany. While 9H-OME only flew with Montenegro for a short time, the aircraft is 30.5 years old. It also saw service with Braathens, Norge, Blue Air, Air X Charter and Volotea Airlines. 

Jean Pierre used an Olympic Stamp from 2021. It Commemorates the Summer Olympic Games of 2020, which of course were held in Tokyo in 2021. 

I know I mentioned at the start that I had a card from the USA and one from Gibraltar to show but I have to hold them for next time. So that Montenegro Airlines card was the last for today. Thanks for cards this time go out to Anna, Jean Pierre and Dominique. 

I will be back here again soon so in the meantime and keeping with the pandemic, I am thankful to all you out there that have been vaccinated. To any readers unvaccinated, get vaccinated and you will have a lot to be thankful for also.   

Monday, October 4, 2021

Elephants, A Jet Lineup, Halloween, Ladies Standing Tall and MiG -29s

BLOG 1535 -- Day  574 of the Pandemic

Hello , it`s October, I know, I know I`m a little late. Let`s start with this card of a Mother and her young one. Two elephants from South Africa. There are about 24,000 elephants in the wild in South Africa today, a dramatic rise from a hundred years ago with fewer that 150 at that time. 

Bruce used a Registered Small Letter Rate stamp from 2017. It shows a view of Camdeboo National Park. 

My next card is from Switzerland and shows a sight not seen too often these days - a line of jets waiting for takeoff. I wonder if it will ever get back the way it was .

Here Jean Pierre used 2 stamps. On the left, a stamp from 1993, 1 of 3, celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the First Stamps in Switzerland. The stamp on the right is 1 of 2,  issued in 2019 as a Joint Issue with Liechtenstein.

Now here is my first Halloweèn card of this year. A little early, but better early than the other.  It arrived from Japan. 

I never have much luck identifying stamps from Japan. There seems just to be an endless list of them and without a year date , most times I just give up. Talk about frustration ! I was lucky with the one on the bottom on this card, though. It was issued in 2020, 1 of a set of 4, issued for International Letter Writing Week. 

Here`s a man of authority for sure, at least it appears that way. It is Finland`s 6th president Karl Gustaf Mannerheim. He was in that role from August 1944 until March 1946. He also held a few other titles - Regent of Finland, Commander-In-Chief of the Finnish Armed Forces, and Marshall of Finland. Participants in a Finnish survey taken 53 years after his death in 1951 voted Mannerhein the greatest Finn of all time. Obviously they never heard of Miika Kiprusoff . 

Sari used an assortment of 4 stamps on this card. I`ll go from left to right for these. Far left is a Bird stamp from 2017, 1 of 4 in a minisheet. Next is a 2003 stamp showing the painting `The Fighting Wood Grouses `by Ferdinand von Wright. Then we have another 2003 stamp, this time it is 1 of 6 in a Summer Insects and Wildlife issue. The last stamp, the green one, is an imperforated , self-adhesive showing Birch Leaves. 


I like the ink stamp of the Airmail plane. 

I have two more cards for today and they arrived from PostCrossers in Germany.  First is this Black & White card of 4 young ladies trying to be just a little taller than they  actually are. 

Silke used a Flower definitive from the long running set along with a 2018 Tourism stamp of Germany`s Most Beautiful Panoramas. Sadly the stamp is only half of the panorama. 

And the final card is of course Aviation themed. It`s two MiG-29 Aerobatic Team  aircraft of the Soviet Air Force. The team consisting  of 6 MiG -29s is called The Swifts. They are based at the Kubinka Air Base in Moscow.

Elfie used a 2021 stamp which I highlighted in my blog of Sept 27th. 

So there ends another update. Thanks for today`s cards and stamps go out to Bruce, Jean Pierre, Silke, Sari and Elfie. Thanks so much to everyone. 

As always   --- If you are not .... Please get vaccinated.