Hello again postcard people. Collectors and collector want to
be's. I'm back with another bunch of cards. From reading this
update's title , it's another mixed bag. let's get to it.
I want to start with another 3 cards from my brother Dale , all sent from Australia or New Zealand. He's still Down Under. Actually as I write this, I believe he's on a 10 day walkabout in the Outback.
Let's start with this card showing a number of Outback Aussie expressions. My 2 favorites on this card are "Bog in and have some tucker and It's gone walkabout ". "It's
ridgie didge " isn't bad, either.

Dale posted this card in Adelaide, capital of South Australia and used 1 of 2 stamps in a set commemorating the 50
th Anniversary of Australian Korea Diplomatic Relations.

The stamps were issued on the 28
th of October and are a Joint Issue with Korea. They are a beautiful set of stamps and the Korea set are just as beautiful.
Dale's second card was posted in Hobart, the capital of Tasmania. This card is elf explanatory , it's the Tasmanian devil, himself.

This guy's large head and neck allow it to generate the strongest bite per unit body mass of any living mammal. Let's just say, you don't want his jaw chomping down on any part of you . The 3 stamps are from a set of 5 issued late September commemorating the hosting of the Presidents Cup at the Royal Melbourne Golf Club in November.

Dale's last card for this time was posted in Wellington, New Zealand. On it we can see some of the architecture ( both old and new ) of Wellington. Top left is the Wellington City Corporation. Top right is
Landcorp House. Bottom left is the Bank of New Zealand . Bottom right is the Dominion Farmers Institute.

Now the stamp and I have a lot to say about this one. It is a Ross Dependency stamp, 1 of 5 is a Race to the Pole m/s, issued this year.

Ross Dependency stamps have been issued by New Zealand postal authorities for use on mail from Scott Base, Antarctica since 1957. The post office at Scott base was closed in 1987 and mail from the base was handled in Christchurch and as a result, the issuing of Ross Dependency stamps ceased. New Zealand Post resumed the issue of stamps inscribed Ross Dependency in 1994 due to local and international demand. Mail from Ross Dependency is now processed by Ross Dependency Agency located at a post office in Christchurch. Members of the public (mostly philatelists) are able to post items bearing Ross Dependency stamps at this office. Mail is cancelled with the inscription "Ross Dependency Agency, Christchurch ." Sadly my stamp doesn't have this inscription for 2 reasons. Firstly, it was posted in Wellington, not Christchurch and secondly, it escaped the post office cancellation completely.
That was a bit of a spiel now wasn't it ?
Here's a card from Russia that will go in my Aircraft on Postcards collection. It's a neat little propeller job equipped with skis for use in winter.

Julia, who lives in
Altaskiy Kray, Russia writes that the city in in the southern region of Siberia , near the Kazakhstan border. Julia used a couple of small
definitives from 2008 along with a wonderful aviation stamp. It is 1 of a set of 4 featuring Fighter Planes.

A great set, a set I would love to have complete.
My next card comes from Germany, compliments of another
Postcrosser. The card doesn't show anything German, but an olive grove on
Lesbos, a Greek Island in the northeastern Aegean Sea.

It is one of the sunniest islands in the Aegean sea. The stamp is one of those
atm type stamps , not my favorite stamp.

Today's final card comes from the Netherlands. I sent Jo a couple of cards of the type that she collected and this one arrived as a thank you. I'm not really sure what the picture on the front is all about. It looks like some sort of pagan ritual been enacted somewhere.

Anyway, the stamp is more interesting than the card this time around. It is my first
Postcrossing.com stamp. It was issued on October 14 of this year .

It is 1 of a set of 6 ( 3 different for Europe mail and 3 different for international mail ) . The stamp features all kinds of traditional postcards strewn about, as is scattered on your doorstep.
As I mentioned it's my first
Postcrossing stamp , I hope to receive the others, at least the other 2 international ones , in the weeks to come. I receive quite a few cards from the Netherlands , so I'm hoping.
So ends another report. Thanks to all for their cards. I''ll be back soon, I got the cards, just have to find the time, more Christmas shopping !
Take care. Comments ?
I regret to say that the post office which did the cancellation is not operating - has not since the major earthquakes there. The second latest quake (Feb 2011) hit the centre of the city and it has been a 'no go zone' 900 + buildings will be gone when all the work is done.
This is a testimony that I will tell everyone in the world. i have been married for 4 years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2 years until i meant a post where this man Zuma Zuk have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48 hours as he have told me after doing everything he asked me to do, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make everyone of you in similar case to meet with this man and have your marriage fixed His email: spiritualherbalisthealing@gmail.com whatsapp him on this +15068001647..... thank so much Zuma Zuk.
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