Sudan is up first - This card from David was sends greetings from Meroe, Sudan. Mero is an ancient city on the east bank of the Nile., about 200 km north east of Khartoum. The city is marked by more than three hundred pyramids in three groups. We can see a few of the pyramids on David's card.

Now let's look at the Italy card, and it comes from Turin. The card celebrates the 150th Anniversary of the Unity of Italy (1861-2011). Turin is well known as the home of the Shroud of Turin and the home of Fiat, Lancia and Alfa Romeo. It is sometimes called The Detroit of Italy. Turin was also the host city for the 2006 Winter Olympics.

Next we have a card from the island of Mauritius. It's a multi view card showing many of the flowers of Mauritius.

Card # 4 is from Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. It gives us a look at the Church of St. Stanislaus in Chortkov, Ukraine. Quite impressive looking.

And, now the last card for today. It comes from Svetlana who lives in Tomsk, Siberia, Russia. The city of a half million is located on the Tom River. One of the oldest towns in Siberia, Tomsk celebrated its 400th anniversary in 2004. Winters in Tomsk are long and sometimes cold. The average temperature in January is between -21 C and -13 C. The lowest temperature recorded in Tomsk was -55 C in January 1931. Now that's COLD. Svetlana's cards is of the main building of Siberian State Medical University.

So ends another update. Thanks to all who sent the cards mentioned, especially David L and David O, along with the Postcrossers for their cards.
One other item , a small carry over from my last update. I mentioned a card from Romania sent by Danut. I always give a plug here for anyone with a postcard blog, at least once. Well I didn't know that Danut had a postcard blog until today when I discovered it. It is called "World, Come To My Home ! "and here it is . I also like his subtitle "A Day Without A Postcard Is A Wasted Day . "
Take care and I'll be back here tomorrow , for the 4th day in a row.
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