Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Most Beautiful Post Office in the World and More

    Blog # 1599 --- Day  608 of the Current  ( Second ) Russian Invasion of Ukraine

                                                                      GLORY TO UKRAINE      


Here we go again. New cards with wonderful stamps to show . But first this news . It`s Monday October 23, and it`s snowing here in Alberta. It is supposed to snow today and tomorrow. We are forecasted to receive up to 20 cm of the white stuff today. Did I say it sucks - well hear me now - It Sucks. Of course , with a snowy day, that means a good day to work on The Blog. 

I`ll start today with a card from Osaka , Japan. It gives us a look at some scenery around Yufuin. In addition to spectacular scenery, Yufuin has 2 or 3 main shopping streets and is home to Bussanji temple, one of two main temples in the town


Jobbo used a single stamp on this card. It is 1 of 10 issued in a 2020 set of Doraemon Manga Aime characters. 

A card from France is next. It`s a look at the Orgues of Ille-sur-Tet - geological features formed from sand and clay , shaped by erosion. These balsalt columns are located about 30 minutes from Perpignan. The area is one of the most beautiful places in Occitania. 

Dominique used a stamp from this year on this card. It celebrates Bergheim Haut-Rhin - The Favourite Village of France. 

Time now for a card from Algeria. Here we see the Grand Post Office in Algiers. It is said to be the most beautiful post office in the world. I have never seen it so I can`t argue the case. 

There is actually a website by Architectural Digest listing the 11 most beautiful post offices around the world.  They are located as follows  , in order of  `beauty ` in Algiers, Ho Chi Minh City, Mexico City, Los Angeles, Madrid, Columbus Indiana, New York City, Ragusa Italy, Bonn, Kolkata and Winslow Arizona. 
I have only visited one on that list - Ho Chi Minh City Post Office and I thought it was just a wonderful place, I`m not sure I would use the word beautiful, but it was a special place and I could have stayed there all day , just wandering around and looking. 
Now here is the number 1 Beautiful Post office. 

David used 2 stamps from 2023. They are 2 of 4 in a set showing Traditional Head Coverings.

Now here`s the last card for this time. It is from Sri Lanka. On it we see Vallipuram Temple. It was constructed around the 13th century. It is a Hindu shrine situated in Vallipuram village in Jaffna District.

Ravindra used 3 stamps on this card. The top stamp was issued in 2019 to mark International Year of the Periodic Table. The lower left stamp, from 2010, celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the Sri Lankan Navy. The round stamp was issued to mark World Post Dat 2021. 

  There you have it for another time. Thanks for today`s post cards go out to David, Ravindra, Jobbo and Dominique. Thanks guys. Be sure to check back here in a couple days for more of the same. 


Temple Nile said...

Thanks for making the topic so engaging. Your post was a pleasure to read!

Lucas Middleton said...

I love learning about different cultures through these postcards.