Friday, May 31, 2013

Card # 3000

Well, it finally arrived a few days ago. Card # 3000. I never thought when I started all this postcard stuff, that I would ever have received 3000 cards in the mail. The card is from Germany, and shows a fountain park area in Mannheim. The card comes from Sybille, a Postcrosser who likes to visit and relax in this area.

I hate to say it but card 3000 arrived without a real stamp on it. It has some sort of computer printed postage that appears to have been printed on a printer and then taped on the card. Not really what I would have hoped for on such a card . But I can't control what is used on incoming cards. I just do my best to always put nice postage on my outgoing cards.

There it is, it took just over 7 years, 2638 days to be exact, to get to this point.  
Thanks going out to Sybille for her card. 

That's this update in a nutshell, a short one , but a milestone card for sure. 
Take care. 

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