Hello postcard bloggers, postcard collectors and stamp collectors. Well, February is long gone, March has roared in like a lion in these parts. Today we are in a raging winter storm, 20-25 cm snow , whiteout conditions. Sounds like a good day for blogging and working with postcards and stamps.So here we go with a couple of postcards that arrived in the past week or so.

This first card may have just arrived, but it's been on the go quite awhile. If you remember from my last update , I mentioned that I was still awaiting a card from Halley , in British Antarctic Territory. I wrote that I still had hope, well I guess hope was enough, as the card arrived on Friday past, March 1st. I passed it in at Stanley, Falkland Islands on March 15, 2012, it got postmarked at Halley on Christmas Day, December 25, 2012 and arrived in my mailbox 351 days later on March 01, 2013. Here's the card, it's another Falkland Islands card , this one showing the 1982 Liberation Monument in Stanley.
Halley Research Station, run by the British Antarctic Survey, is located
on the Brunt Ice Shelf floating on the Weddell Sea in Antarctica. It is
a British research facility dedicated to the study of the Earth's

This is my second card from Halley, I received the first back in 2007. The stamp on this newest one is again from the 2011 Research Ships set of 6. This is my first Christmas Day cancellation. Guess there wasn't a lot happening there Christmas. Or maybe there was a lot happening and the mail had to get done, Christmas or not. Either way, I'm glad to have it.

My second card is from Belarus. Here we have a couple of Belarusians doing a little jig or dance.
Svieta used a 2012 Christmas stamp which is new to me.

Here's a card from Lithuania showing an old train.
The stamp is from 2013 and may have something to do with Christians, but don't quote me on that.

Moving right along we have a card showing a great collection of mailboxes from The Netherlands. Many styles, and many colors. A nice new addition to my postbox/mailbox collection.
Vera used 2 stamps from a m/sheet of
10 issued in 2012 entitled Seasons.
Airlinair is the subject of this next card. It is an ATR 42-500 from France. Airlinair is a regional airline and partner of Air France. It's aircraft are all ATRs and total 25. Damien used a recent commemorative which I have already showed a number of times, so we'll forgo it this time.
Thanks to Damiem, Vera, Svieta and the others for their cards.

Now here's my bonus aircraft postcard and aviation stamps. It's a Braathens Safe B767.
Today's stamps are from Ascension Island and are a beautiful sett of 4.
That's all for this time, be sure to tune in again soon.
I have a hologramed postcard of Jesus with children. My grandmother sent it to my great grandmother when she was visiting another country. I can't make out what country. It's stamped oct 1968.
Hi mecca,
If you send a scan of the back of the card to me at glenn.moores@shaw.ca I'll try and determine what country it if from.
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